Half Doll Rebecca

This lovely doll is called Rebecca,and much to my horror I acutally broke her head off,when she slipped from my hand to a cement step,I was lucky, it was a very clean break and my husband who is a 
Woodcraftsman,and always has his hand near to some 5 minute Araldite glue,managed to revive 
her,she came through the experience,with very little evidence,to show for her ordeal.
The waist band was accomplished using the Cast off over 4 rows method which is in the tutorial section.
Pattern uses 1 x hanks of beads.
1 x ball of perle 8 cotton.

Beads used no.695
Cotton Presencia  no.2333
Pattern used Madeline from Anlaby.


Please use Marie's contact page to purchase patterns.

If your skirt pattern has a knitted pattern through it,consider using a contrast cotton to the bead,that way your pattern will stand out.

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