Sewing the Seam on a Beaded Dress

I have been asked how I sew the seam on my beaded dresses.
I sew my skirt's with a overcast stitch.

It gives the skirt a nice neat seam,for when you turn your skirt and place it on your doll.
Run a small amount of the cotton down the skirt's edge,coming out at the bottom.Making a small stitch to secure the end.
Fold the skirt in half and with right sides facing each other.
 Sew the seam from the bottom to the top of your skirt.
I always sew the cotton ends from the skirt in,as I work my way up the seam.
Lay the ends parallel with the seam and sew them in with the overcast stitch as you move up the seam.
Leave a small gap at the top of the seam,so you are able to place the skirt on your doll.End this cotton off by running a little way down the seam.

Turn your skirt in the right way and place your doll into the skirt.
I then use the cotton which I have left over from,but still attached to the cast off row,on the top of the skirt,to sew the little gap left.
This little seam has to be done,on the front side of the skirt,after the skirt has been placed on the doll.
Sew with small neat overcast stitches until you have sewn the gap.End this cotton off by running it through the back of the skirt,cutting it neatly.


Keep your tension firm,with even neat stitches.Take your time,as a badly stitched seam detracts from the finished skirt.
Always keep an eye on the pattern that has to match with the other side,nothing worse than finding when you turn your dress,to the right side that your rows of pattern,do not match up.
To make it a little simpler,pin the rows of pattern across ways on the seam,every now and then,to keep the rows from moving out of place as you sew the seam up.
Hope this helps.

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