Half Doll Juliette

 Half doll Juilette is dress in a pattern from Dapto,designed by Lyn Elliot, called Darling Clementine,the skirt looks complicated,but is quite simple knitted in two panels(front and Back) and then sewn down the sides.
Pattern uses 4 x hanks of Main colour.2 x hanks of Crystal beads.1 x hanks of Contrast beads.
2 x balls of cotton

Beads used for front panel crystal no.412,no.492DY,no.444Dy.
Cotton for front panel D.M.C.noB5200 and no.316
Beads used for back panel no.444DY
Cotton D.M.C. no.316
Pattern by Lyn Elliot


When knitting the sections for this skirt,make sure that you keep the tension the same at the beginning and end of the rows,otherwise when you come to sewing the sections together,one side will be longer than the other,leading to having to pull on side and squeezing the other side in to make them fit together.This ends up making  the panel seam's look puckered,and detract's from the look of the skirt

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